What Are The Required Payroll Deductions In Ontario?
One of the most dreaded words when talking about your paycheck is deductions. Unfortunately, we all have to pay them. However,...

Did You Have Medical Expenses in 2015 That Are Eligible to Claim on Your Income Tax Return?
Young or old, anyone's health can take a turn for the worse though out the year and not only can this be a trying occasion emotionally -...

Tax Filing for Businesses - Making Tax Payments, and the Consequences if You Fail to Pay Up
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has many collection policies for individuals, businesses and organizations that owe money to the crown....

Individual Tax Filing: Making Your Tax Payments, And The Consequences If You Fail To Pay Up
When faced with the complications of tax filing and payment obligations, a lot of people would love to just stick their head in the sand...

What’s NEW for the 2016 Income Tax Season?
With a new year, comes new rules & updates for the 2016 income tax season. From important changes to services and credits, to changes in...

Business Owners... Claim Your Travel Cost As An Expense!
It generally costs money to make money. There are a lot of expenses involved in running a business, and most of them can be related to...

It pays to claim your vehicle expenses
We all want a healthy tax refund, claiming your vehicle expenses could make a big difference. If you’re using your personal vehicle for...

Paying Your Employee For The Use of Their Personal Vehicle, Per Kilometer
Employers often compensate their employees for the use of an employee’s personal motor vehicle by providing them with a car allowance or...

Tis' The Season For Setting Financial Goals
If you want to achieve a goal, the best place to start is by setting one. The reason for this is that it’s impossible to reach a goal...

To Pay Or Not To Pay - The Rules Of Employment Insurance
The Canada Revenue Agency decides based on four circumstances, whether a person is eligible or not for employment insurance: Remuneration...